“A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
–Sensei Ogui
Creator God,
Often, we find ourselves trapped, comparing ourselves to others. Envious perhaps, but more likely just discontented with our own situation—wishing our worlds were more like those dreamscapes our culture trains us to desire. Help us to grow, ever more thankful for who you have made us to be and where you have placed us. May we practice contentment. Letting go of comparisons and becoming ourselves, may our faithful devotion to the calling before us beautify the world you have made, right where we are, here and now. Amen.
Call to Action
If I am tempted to compare myself to others today, take just a moment to recall the gifts and talents I bear, and remember: I am daily invited to beautify the world around me, as only I can.