National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
“Slavery is not a horror safely confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries…across the world slaves work and sweat and build and suffer.” ~ Kevin Bales
God of all, throughout history you have acted to liberate enslaved peoples. Through Moses you led the ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. Through Cyrus you liberated an exiled people from Babylon. Your son Jesus came to liberate us from slavery to sin and death and free us for life and love. Inspired by the courage of Moses and Jesus’ example of selfless love, we ask you to renew our commitment to the eradication of human trafficking in all its forms. Open our eyes to those who suffer and our hearts to respond with compassion and help. Strengthen us as we strive to defend and promote the inherent dignity of all. Amen.
Call to Action
What one action can I take or one commitment can I make to help in the eradication of human trafficking in our world?