
Feast of Sukkot Begins at Sundown


“You shall keep this feast of the LORD for one whole week in the year. By perpetual statute throughout your generations in the seventh month of the year, you shall keep it. You shall dwell in booths for seven days; every native-born Israelite shall dwell in booths, that your descendants may realize that, when I led the Israelites out of the land of Egypt, I made them dwell in booths. I, the LORD, am your God.” ~ Leviticus 23:41-43


Eternal Lord, today our Jewish sisters and brothers celebrate this feast emphasizing the dependence of the people of Israel on the Lord, particularly during their sojourn through the desert during the Exodus. Too often we think of dependence as weakness. Help us to see that dependence upon you is the path to true freedom. May we join with our Jewish sisters and brothers in acknowledging our dependence upon you and enjoy the blessing of freedom that only you can give. In confidence and gratitude, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time today to reflect on my relationship with God. What might I do to improve the relationship?