A Journey of Care for Oneself

Each new year, we begin a new journey. Sometimes it’s a journey to the gym, or to a new diet, or perhaps a new journey to a holistic and spiritual way of life.  Regardless of the type, God calls us to a journey of caring for ourselves.  According to Webster’s dictionary, the definition of the word journey is “an act of traveling from one place to another.” There are many journey references in the Bible, always leading a people from one place to another, and usually for their benefit as God sees fit. When Joseph and Mary journeyed to Bethlehem, though its purpose was to be counted in the census, God’s purpose was to bring forth the Savior for God’s people (Matthew 1:21).  As we continue our journey, let us keep in mind where God is leading us, and for what purpose.  The following activities will help to explore more ways to be open to traveling the Journey of Care for Oneself.

·       The importance of caring for oneself is a journey all its own.  In The Importance of Self-Discovery, Lydia Atieno discusses how important it is to discover the worth of our own being, and how that affects our self-journey.

·       Each day we awake to a new journey. Start your day off by reading the BSMH Daily Reflections, giving you spiritual guidance for your journey.

·       How is your spiritual journey?  Danielle Dowling gives you 6 Ways to Invite Spiritual Awakening to Transform Your Life. See how they fit with your journey.

·       Often, we allow ourselves to make comparisons to others, but as Sensei Ogui stated, “A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms.” In Sandra Nolan’s article, “Accept Your Journey: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others,” Nolan speaks about the importance of each person’s journey on this earth.  Live YOUR life to the fullest and watch how you bloom.

·       What is your journey to success?  Is it a one-way ladder?  Will you ever reach the top, or do you even want to?  Listen to Richard St. John as he talks about the real journey to success in Success is a Continuous Journey.

·       In the article, The Journey Matters More than the Destination, the road to reaching goals is truly about the journey to get there, rather than the destination itself.  Make sure to watch the accompanying video on the right side of the article, “5 Ways to Improve Yourself 1% Each Day.”