Caring for our Community with Resilience

As we respond to COVID-19 as a ministry, we stand together in our commitment to our mission to be the compassionate presence of Jesus. The pandemic has drawn attention to divisions in the United States and the need for resilience to promote the common good. We can strengthen our resilience, our capacity to persevere through adversity, through spirituality. During his Spiritually Speaking interview on January 6, 2021, John Starcher reminded us that the spiritual practice of being able to “disagree without being disagreeable” is needed in our nation and world today.


Extending the compassionate caring of Jesus calls for resilience.

The covenant between God and the Hebrew people formed Israel as a nation.  During difficult times as a people, they turned to God and remembered their roots. The heart of this covenant is right relationship with God and neighbor. Right relationship with God and neighbor can help us to persevere in contributing to the common good of our communities.  This type of resilience is important in the midst of divisions and disagreements within communities.

Practices of Resilience for our Community