Rest and Relaxation for and with Others

In a world where everyone is on the go, it’s difficult at times to even think about resting, much less actually doing so. Even when we step away and take time to relax from our busy schedules, many times we see those who cannot or will not follow suit, soon to be overwhelmed with exhaustion. We are called by God to be our brothers and sisters’ keeper, and one way to fulfill that call is by helping each other to rest and relax.  This will not only benefit each other, but ultimately will benefit many others with whom we come in contact each, and every day. 

The following activities helps us to understand more fully how to rest and relax with and for others.


·       In her blog, Resting for Others, Teresa Blythe talks about people who are not able or willing to rest and how she takes them to her prayer time and rests for them.  

·       Resting in Connection – Slowing Down Enough to Heal and Form Secure Connections is a great article by Vince Gowmon on the importance of connecting with self and others, slowing down and truly connecting.

·       It’s important to be with others in a social atmosphere, and Ann Kumpf explains in her blog, Find Rest in Social Connection, how being with others can truly be restful.

·       So often we neglect rest for ourselves through all we do for others.  Dr. Kristen Guillory talks about how to Find Rest When You Are Exhausted Helping Others by taking time to read God’s Word!

·       There are times that we are in charge of taking care of ill relatives and friends, helping them to relax as much as possible.  The folks at Marie Curie offer some helpful suggestions in Helping Someone Relax.