EMS Week continues

EMS Week continues


God of Grace,

So many wonderful people answer your call through their work as Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics, helping those who are often in tragic situations.  It is the bravery and skills of these people that allow others the chance to continue to live life more fully, often at great personal sacrifice. We are so grateful for all of those who take part in any of the positions within the Emergency Medical Services field. We ask that you continue to bless the work that they do on a daily basis and that their own health and well-being would be strengthened through their service and provision of the same, to all those most in need. Amen.


    Reflection   “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary, so that the necessary may speak.”   ~Hans Hofman   Prayer   Gracious God,  Life has become so complex and complicated that we often miss the importance of sim


Gracious God,

Life has become so complex and complicated that we often miss the importance of simple living as a means to fulfillment.  We have heard the phrase about living simply so others may simply live, but we often continue to fill our lives with unnecessary clutter.  Guide us to an appreciation of a more, simple lifestyle, taking time to really see the value of having only what we need to live simply.  In gratitude for all we have, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” ~Confucius   Prayer   God of true beauty,  All that you created you saw as “good,” “very good,” and, even more, you saw it all as “beautiful.”  Help us to see as you se


God of true beauty,

All that you created you saw as “good,” “very good,” and, even more, you saw it all as “beautiful.”  Help us to see as you see, noticing all the beauty that lies around us, whether that is in the patients we interact with each day, or the family members who greet us when we go home at night.  Help help us to behold all the beauty that you share with us each day and remain grateful for those experiences.  For the beauty of creation, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Who does not grow, declines.” –Rabbi Hillel   Prayer   God who calls,  There is a basic principle in nature, which applies as much to us as the rest of creation. We have not been designed to remain stagnant or simply mainta


God who calls,

There is a basic principle in nature, which applies as much to us as the rest of creation. We have not been designed to remain stagnant or simply maintain the growth we’ve attained. Rather, you made us and call us to continue to grow and develop as persons, attending to every dimension of who we are before you—mind, body, and spirit. Give us new vigor today to pursue new directions and to be willing to grow in new ways. For our own sake, but especially for those around us who are waiting for the good help and compassion we have to offer. As people and as a ministry gathered before you, we pray. Amen.

Memorial of St. Brendan

Memorial of St. Brendan


God our Compass,

On this Memorial of St. Brendan, we celebrate the saint’s legacy and ask for a share in his spirit, that we each might be inspired to follow your leading each and every day, discerning your way for us and being willing to step out by faith and pursue the calling you have given. May our mission unite us as a ministry today, and we ask for help in navigating the course ahead. Thank you for the guiding lights you send us along the way—our mentors and friends, and also the examples of holy men and women, the saints, and our founding congregations. Amen.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month


God with us,

Mental Health Awareness Month invites all of us to renew our commitment to be attentive and responsive to health and well-being in every dimension, including those areas that are easily overlooked and neglected because we learn to cover them up so efficiently. As we continue to serve the mental health of our patients and families with devotion, help us also to be good servants of each other, keeping our eyes and ears open for signs of distress among our associates and colleagues. May we be sensitive and brave at the same time, willing to speak up whenever we have concern, even for our own sake. With thanks for your healing among us today, Amen.


    Reflection   “You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips.” –Oliver Goldsmith   Prayer   Living God,  Whether we are conscious of it or not, the ways in which we live our lives are the loudest expressions of what we


Living God,

Whether we are conscious of it or not, the ways in which we live our lives are the loudest expressions of what we really believe and value. Sometimes it’s hard to stay true, but we ask for the courage to practice a deeper integrity in all that we say and do. Empower especially those caregivers serving directly the neighbors among us who are especially vulnerable. May their compassionate presence on behalf of those in need express your very own heart for the world, that comfort and peace will flow more freely among us. Amen.