Reflection   “To better the future, we must disturb the present.” –Catherine Booth   Prayer   God of tomorrow,  We ask you to fill us today with the courage to disrupt complacency and challenge the injustice we see, so that we may pave t


God of tomorrow,

We ask you to fill us today with the courage to disrupt complacency and challenge the injustice we see, so that we may pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Guide us to shake the foundations of apathy while at the same time sowing seeds of compassion, so that your kingdom of love and righteousness may flourish. As a ministry united by your vision of healing, give us the grace to participate with you more fully and to bring more of your dream for the world into reality. Amen.

Memorial of St. Oliver Plunkett

Memorial of St. Oliver Plunkett


Eternal love,

We give thanks today for the life and witness of St. Oliver Plunkett, who refused to deny his great love for you or for the people you put in his care. Even when he was unjustly hunted and ultimately martyred for his convictions, the depth of his love for you and your people empowered him to stand strong in his faith. May we be empowered in the same way today, to love and serve your people with courage and conviction. Continue to hold us in the palm of your hand, as we strive to extend your compassionate ministry to all those in need. Amen.


    Reflection   “God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being.” –Book of Wisdom 1:13-14   Prayer   God of life,  As people of faith, we know that death


God of life,

As people of faith, we know that death is not your creation, but is instead a consequence of our human frailty and weakness. Help us to grasp more fully the sanctity of life and cherish the gift of existence you have bestowed upon us. As a healing ministry called by your name, lead us to align ourselves with your purposes by nurturing life in all its forms, knowing that in your infinite wisdom, you have crafted each being with purpose and love. Amen.


    Reflection   “When looking at faults, use a mirror, not a telescope.” –Yazid Ibrahim   Prayer   Compassionate God,  We are prone to overlook our own faults while pointing out the smallest flaws in others. Give us wisdom to see in new way


Compassionate God,

We are prone to overlook our own faults while pointing out the smallest flaws in others. Give us wisdom to see in new ways. Help us recognize our own faults with clarity and to reflect upon them in constructive and healthy directions. And when it comes to the flaws in others, help us to cultivate grace and compassion that leads us to strengthen our bonds together, just as you have shown us grace and compassion, inviting us ever so gently to a deeper experience of wholeness. Amen.


    Reflection   “I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are, but rather how well its people have learned to relate to their environment and fellow man.” –Sun Bear   Prayer   Good Creator,  We are


Good Creator,

We are proud to be part of a ministry that is so committed to our fundamental calling, as citizens and as creatures before you, to advance sustainability and steward your creation responsibly. Lead us further in new and innovative directions that will enhance the well-being of our shared environment as one human family, tending to the health of all living things and the systems we depend on in order to flourish. Remind us that the richest measure our flourishing as a society is how well we are learning to relate to each other and to the gift of your creation. Amen.


    Reflection   “Don’t just write a ‘To Do’ list. Write a ‘To Be’ list.” –Karen Salmansohn   Prayer   God in our being,  Many of us are so consumed with what we have to get done in the course of a day that our awareness begins to grow dim o


God in our being,

Many of us are so consumed with what we have to get done in the course of a day that our awareness begins to grow dim of the inner life we are also called to sustain. Yet we know that it’s here, at that deeper level of our being, where we find the meaning and purpose beneath it all. Open our hearts and give us conviction to attend more deliberately to our spiritual foundations and to remember that we don’t have to set aside hours—just a few moments will do—in order to remain grounded in the things that matter most. Amen.


    Reflection   “Don’t let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace.” –Kimberly Jones   Prayer   Spirit of Peace,  As we strive to extend your compassion today, help us to be anchors of peace for those who are facing espe


Spirit of Peace,

As we strive to extend your compassion today, help us to be anchors of peace for those who are facing especially difficult trials and unique challenges. Whether it’s our patients or coworkers, or even the strangers we encounter in the course of our routines, give us the grace and the wisdom to effectively spread your gift of calm wherever we go. With gratitude for the peace you supply, above and beyond our understanding, we pray. Amen.