National Nurses Week Nurses Make the Difference

National Nurses Week  Nurses Make the Difference


Gracious God,

As we celebrate nurses during this National Nurses Week, fill our hearts with gratitude for the many blessings you bestow upon us through the gift of our nurses. May their embodiment of our core values of service and compassion inspire each of us to lead lives of meaning and purpose. May we embody a spirit of thanksgiving for the healing touch they bring to the lives of others. And may our nurses continue to find support in our community and in one another. Amen.

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)

Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day)


Dependable God,

On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, help us to always remember the strength and courage that so many of our Jewish brothers and sisters displayed when faced with such fear and anxiety.  Their dependence on you is a great example for all of us as we face a variety of trials each day.  Guide us to always remain faithful to you, knowing you are with us each step of the way.  Allow our example of faithfulness to be an example to others. We ask this in your name. Amen.

National Nurses Week Nurses Make the Difference

National Nurses Week  Nurses Make the Difference


Compassionate God,

As we begin our celebration of National Nurses Week today, help us always to be mindful of, and grateful for, the dedication and caring of our nurses. Through their selfless service, they inspire us all to care for one another, extending your compassionate ministry in all our facilities and communities. Fill them with the satisfaction of knowing the difference their gentleness and care make in the lives of others and with the knowledge of how greatly they are appreciated and valued by their patients and colleagues. Amen.


    Reflection    “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ~Anatole France   Prayer   God of Creation,  You created all things on this earth: humans, plants and animals, and then you stepped back and saw that


God of Creation,

You created all things on this earth: humans, plants and animals, and then you stepped back and saw that “It was good, it was very good.” Help us to live each day in gratitude of all that you have given us, especially the animals in our lives.  Whether these are family pets or creatures in the wild, they all have a wonderful purpose on this earth, and bring us great joy. In thanksgiving for all living creatures, and in appreciation for the joy they bring to the world, we pray. Amen. 


    Reflection   “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.” –John 14:12   Prayer   God of tomorrow,  All throughout your earthly ministry you were concerned to empower


God of tomorrow,

All throughout your earthly ministry you were concerned to empower and authorize those who followed you, to take your ministry forward in new directions. Your example inspires us as we reflect on our call, today and each day, to serve as your hands and feet in the world. Not as individuals alone, but collectively, and in such numbers that we have reason to marvel at the “greater deeds” that have indeed flowed from the work that you started. With joyfulness, gratefulness, and faith-filled expectation, we pray together: More, Lord! Let your kingdom come, and your will be done through us, especially on behalf of those who are poor, dying, and underserved. Amen.

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer



On this National Day of Prayer, we pause to join with others around the nation and beyond, focusing our hearts and minds on this year’s theme: “Lift up the Word, Light up the World.” As those who believe in your Word and trust it to guide our lives, we ask for the courage and stamina to uphold it and embody it in our words and deeds. May we follow the example of your son, who perfectly embodied your Word and showed us the way to a life more abundant. With faith, hope, and love, we pray. Amen.


   “We tend to live up to our expectations.” –Earl Nightingale   Prayer   Empowering God,  We all know the difference between barely holding on for survival and truly thriving in the way we were made to thrive. For colleagues and associates


Empowering God,

We all know the difference between barely holding on for survival and truly thriving in the way we were made to thrive. For colleagues and associates who are confronting this day with low expectations, we ask you to encourage their spirits from the inside out and lift their sights once again. Regardless of the team on which we serve or the specifics of role and function, may we all raise our expectations today about what is possible through your power and strength, especially as we strive to advance your cause of healing compassion in the lives of those we encounter. Amen.