Reflection   “Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.”  –Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha   Prayer   Empowering God,  We know beyond doubt that the ministry we share must be anchored on teamwork. The quality of care


Empowering God,

We know beyond doubt that the ministry we share must be anchored on teamwork. The quality of care we offer our patients each day wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for our willingness to cooperate and collaborate across so many specialties, functions, and roles requiring the devotion of so many incredible people. Together we are capable of some truly extraordinary things. So we ask you to inspire us this day, that we might let go of the past and keep our eyes forward, eager to pursue unity in all our diversity, to practice good teamwork, and thereby respond effectively to all the needs we will encounter today. Amen.

April Fool’s Day

April Fool’s Day


Joyful Spirit,

There’s a lot of wisdom in a culture that chooses to make space for a bit of silliness and a lot of laughter. Thank you, sincerely, for those people in our lives and ministry who know how to mix the right dose of foolishness into the course of our days. Not in ways that jeopardize our convictions or the seriousness of our work, but in ways that paradoxically make it all worthwhile. On April Fool’s Day, we are happy to remember that life really is sweeter when we make room for a healthy amount of humor and giggles. Amen.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday


Life Abundant,

Today is the day! Our hearts are filled with joy and we gladly say, hallelujah! A love stronger than death is alive and well! Your triumph over death on Easter Sunday means our hope is not in vain but has arisen. We who strive to extend your healing ministry today are especially comforted, as we share the fundamental conviction that sickness and death do not have the last word. Fill each one of us with more of your life-giving hope today, especially for the sake of our patients and families and all those who are hurting, suffering, and in need. Send us as agents of life-giving hope, that we might comfort them and care for them in ways that bring peace. Amen.

National Doctors’ Day

National Doctors’ Day


Divine healer,

On National Doctors’ Day, we pause to celebrate and give thanks for all our physicians, for the way they invest their lives to serve the public good and steward a culture of life. May these faithful servants be blessed for their inspiring devotion to others, and may we share with them our sincerest gratitude in ways they can receive. By your spirit, bless all our doctors with encouragement, stamina, and wisdom, that the abundant life you promised us might continue to flourish for the good of all, especially for those who are most in need. Amen.

Good Friday

Good Friday


God in our suffering,

Today your Church remembers the ultimate sacrifice of your son, Jesus, as he willingly accepted a punishment he did not deserve. For all those who are suffering unjustly in this world, we hold them in thought and prayer, and ask you to comfort them by your spirit. Open the doors of their liberation! We also pray for those who are sick and suffering from illness, especially those we have the privilege of serving in our facilities. Help us to be faithful in extending your own compassion to them, being willing to enter their plight and to be your hands and feet to them, insisting that even when we cannot cure, we still can care. With gratitude for the depth of your love towards us, we pray. Amen.

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday


Loving spirit,

Tonight, your Church will gather to remember your “last supper” with your disciples, during which you stooped low to serve them and washed their feet, taking the role of a household servant. And not only that, for you also taught them (and us!) in the midst of that great act of service, to follow your example and always remember: being the “boss” means being the first servant! Let it be so among us today, that the ministry we share would always reflect your own words and deeds. May we embrace more fully today your vision of leadership, anchored as it is in loving service and genuine humility. For the life of the world, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “Integrity means doing the right thing, especially when no one is watching.” –Chérie Carter-Scott   Prayer   God of truth,  The values we hold as a ministry include the value of integrity. We sincerely aspire “to act ethical


God of truth,

The values we hold as a ministry include the value of integrity. We sincerely aspire “to act ethically and to model right relationships in all of our individual and organizational encounters.” In a healthcare environment that is fast-paced, multi-tiered, and increasingly complicated, help us personally and collectively to embody integrity in everything we do and say. Whether anyone is watching or not, may we live out the values we most want to see in the world and that we have espoused as most crucial for our ministry together. We pray this, ultimately for the sake of our patients and the health and well-being of our communities. Amen.