Reflection   “In teamwork, silence isn’t golden, it’s deadly.” –Mark Sanborn   Prayer   Spirit of truth,  As a ministry composed of so many teams and committees, we ask that each one of our ministry partners might feel free and encourage


Spirit of truth,

As a ministry composed of so many teams and committees, we ask that each one of our ministry partners might feel free and encouraged to speak up and share ideas, so that we all can collaborate in new and exciting directions. For the sake of higher quality care that responds effectively to the felt needs of our communities, help us foster an open and inclusive culture through which we can remain agile and flexible and, above all, faithful, to continue extending your compassionate ministry long into the future. Amen.


    Reflection   “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.” –Cornel West     Prayer   God of justice,  Stretch our imaginations so we can better love our neighbors, not just on a personal level, in the ways we speak


God of justice,

Stretch our imaginations so we can better love our neighbors, not just on a personal level, in the ways we speak and act individually, but also in the collective actions we organize and the causes we champion together, in public. Lead us to build communities and structures in such a way that all our developments might be more transparent to the love you have for all humanity. In this way, let justice flourish among us, so that all people might be blessed through us and attain what they need for flourishing. Amen.

Second Sunday of Lent

Second Sunday of Lent


Holy Spirit,

In times that often feel uncertain, we are committed to remaining people of prayer, willing to turn our hearts towards you every day, and to welcome your presence among us. Give us the strength to embrace both the trials and joys of the road ahead and to receive all that you have in store for us with grace and humility. With gratitude for your promise of accompaniment, may our devotion to prayer empower us to invest your world with more faith, hope, and love, in all that we do and say. Amen.


    Reflection   “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.  –Fyodor Dostoyevsky     Prayer   God of mission,  As a ministry called into your service, help us each day to embody


God of mission,

As a ministry called into your service, help us each day to embody the values of your gospel and to share with others your vision and hope of a life more abundant. Sharpen our discernment about the purposes we pursue together, so that we might shape a future worth leaving to future generations. For our communities and neighbors, especially those who are poor, dying, and underserved, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection    “The devil loves to fish in troubled waters.” –John Trapp   Prayer   God of peace,  As we strive to extend your compassion today, we pray for a spirit of peace to pervade our workplaces, protecting our colleagues and partne


God of peace,

As we strive to extend your compassion today, we pray for a spirit of peace to pervade our workplaces, protecting our colleagues and partners in ministry from the troublesome tensions that sometimes tempt and distract us: division and discord, jealousy and gossip, meanness and pettiness. Keep us focused instead on the mission that calls us together, in service and care of those who are waiting and longing for some measure of peace. Amen.

Lent continues

Lent continues


God of the humble,

As the Church continues to journey through Lent, lead us deeper in your way of humility and gratitude for the ministry you have called us to carry. No matter how long we’ve been serving, inspire each one of us to remain connected to the deeper meaning and purpose that animates your mission among us. We are privileged each day to serve as your hands and feet to our neighbors in need. Help us, therefore, to be faithful to serve them in your name and to show them your love, spurning no one who comes through our doors. Amen. 


    Reflection    “Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.” –Ritu Ghatourey   Prayer   God who sees us,  Many of our associates perform their work so devotedly, day after day, without fanfare and often without being noticed. To


God who sees us,

Many of our associates perform their work so devotedly, day after day, without fanfare and often without being noticed. Today we are mindful of them and ask that their diligence would be honored and recognized. In the wake of our collective success as a ministry, let the faithfulness of so many servants working in silence be richly rewarded. As we continue to work hard together, striving to make an impact in the lives of our patients and families and in our wider communities, we pray. Amen.