New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve


Happy God,

We live in a culture that compels us to be in constant pursuit of the next thing on our list. Whether it’s our careers or possessions or even in our relationships, it seems there’s always something else we’re told to pursue so as to find happiness. While it’s good to have goals, it’s also important for us to know how to stop and simply be happy, rejoicing in all the blessings we’ve been given. And so as we welcome the start of a brand-new year, help us to let go of our acquisitiveness and learn to be happy, together. With grateful hearts turned towards you, the giver of all that is good, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “I want to be born again, in exactly the selfsame life,   aware this time from the inside out, and to stand this time   as a beautiful un-worrying witness, living beyond   the need for this or that…”   –David Whyte   Prayer


God our redeemer,

Sometimes we look back at events in our lives and the choices we’ve made and wish we could do it all over. Yet you call us instead to move forward, using the wisdom we’ve gained to establish a healthier future for ourselves and those we love. Let it be so. May we all be encouraged during this time of transition, not to look back in disappointment but to live forward with freedom, released from anxiety, and satisfied to be witnesses of all your many blessings. With thanks for the good things that you have prepared for us, today and tomorrow and henceforth, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “To promote the Gospel and not welcome the strangers in need, nor affirm their humanity as children of God, is to seek to encourage a culture that is Christian in name only, emptied of all that makes it distinctive.” –Pope F


Welcoming God,

Fill us with faith, hope, and love today, so that our efforts promoting the gospel will create a distinctive culture that practices what it preaches. As we continue extending your compassionate ministry, make us faithful to follow your example of what ministry means, showing mercy and kindness to strangers, bringing good help to all those in need, and affirming with humility the one humanity we share with all your children. With grateful hearts, for the way you have welcomed us in these ways, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “The best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.” –Fred Rogers   Prayer   God who hears,  We live in a culture wher


God who hears,

We live in a culture where it is hard to listen with our hearts as much as our ears. The noise projected from our media ironically gets in our way and seems to impede our freedom to dialogue with authenticity, sincerity, and, above all, empathy. Help us to become more like you. Ready and willing really to listen with full attention to the people we encounter at work, at school, in our homes and communities. Amen.


    Reflection   “Scared is what you’re feeling. Brave is what you’re doing.” –Emma Donoghue   Prayer   Empowering God,  Our hearts go out to those who are feeling scared and fearful today. Perhaps because of a new diagnosis or an upcoming p


Empowering God,

Our hearts go out to those who are feeling scared and fearful today. Perhaps because of a new diagnosis or an upcoming procedure, or because of a shift in career or a sudden catastrophe. Whatever the cause, let those who are scared be empowered by your spirit, to face their uncertainties with courage and hope. Send us with life-giving words to lift up these who feel so vulnerable, that we might name their bravery and accompany them through their challenges. Amen.

Kwanzaa begins

Kwanzaa begins


God of community,

Kwanzaa is a welcome opportunity for us to relearn some important truths, especially the truth of our being created both sacred and social. We are always embedded within and dependent upon the life of our community. May we therefore be encouraged to share our gifts and our resources, to build a culture that both affirms individuality while at the same time builds up the common good for all. Amen.





However many times we’ve seen this day come, the incredible gift of Christmas still gives us pause. For in the birth of your son through Mary, a great light has come upon the earth and forever changed our existence. The child we picture sleeping in the manger has already led us out of spiritual darkness and welcomed us into a life more abundant, far beyond our wildest dreams. May we, therefore, keep this day holy and celebrate gladly, for a new day has dawned indeed, and will continue to dawn, until you come again. Amen.