Reflection   “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”  –Robert Louis Stevenson    Prayer   God of the harvest,  We pray today for all those who may be discouraged by what seems like the slow pace of


God of the harvest,

We pray today for all those who may be discouraged by what seems like the slow pace of progress or an unending stream of needs. May they be freed from the burden of feeling so directly responsible for the fruit of their labor. As we all commit to doing what we can for the sake of our mission, help us also take comfort in the limits of our calling. Remind us today that we are ultimately called to be faithful in the planting of seeds, and may we always trust you for the harvest. Amen.

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur


Gracious G-d,

May our Jewish colleagues and friends be blessed this Yom Kippur, and may we all take time to focus on how we might go deeper with our own conversion of heart. Empower us to let go of habits and patterns of behavior that damage our relationship with you and each other. Inspire us instead to follow your life-giving path of holiness, adopting the words and deeds that enable all people to flourish. With hearts of repentance and hope, we pray. Amen.

Mercy Day

Mercy Day


Merciful God,

Our hearts are full of gratitude and joy today, as we recognize the Sisters of Mercy and the gift of their ministry, to serve, advocate and pray for those in need around the world. As a ministry united, we ask for your help in keeping us faithful to the mission of Mercy in all our encounters, with our patients and families, with our colleagues, and in the broader communities we serve. Like the Sisters of Mercy and in the spirit of their founder, Catherine McAuley, may the example of Jesus inspire us to embody the values of the Gospel and work together in creating a more just world, especially for those who are poor, dying, and underserved. Amen.

Fall begins

Fall begins


God of transformation,

As the seasons change once again, help us take advantage of some needed time for reflection and contemplation. Lead us in considering what kinds of changes we ourselves have made and still need to make. To strengthen relationships with you and with others, to better care for our own well-being, and to be more hospitable to the environment you have given. May we observe nature’s beautiful transformation and find a reason to hope in our own. Amen.


    Reflection   “For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.” —Elie Wiesel   Prayer    Ever-present God,  Time and presence are among the most valuable gifts in ou


Ever-present God,

Time and presence are among the most valuable gifts in our lives. Give us the desire each day, to become better at sharing the time and presence you’ve given us with all those we encounter, especially with those who are most vulnerable. For the sake of those whose dignity is most at risk of being neglected and overlooked, fill us with gratitude for every encounter with them. Free us to take our time with them, as with everyone else made in your image, sharing both our presence and our smiles. Thankful for every hour of grace, we pray. Amen.

World Day of Gratitude

World Day of Gratitude


Generous God,

As we recognize World Day of Gratitude today, we pray that all people might be inspired to embrace this tried-and-true recipe: awareness combined with gratitude is a powerful prescription for happiness! Grateful attention can redirect so many of our engagements in healthy directions, so long as we commit to its practice. Help us to do so today and each day, that we might continue to find ordinary moments of happiness all around us. As one human family before you, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “The unthankful heart discovers no mercies. The thankful heart sweeps through the day and, just as a magnet finds iron, it will find in every hour some heavenly blessings.” –Oliver Wendell Holmes   Prayer    Merciful God,  A


Merciful God,

As we strive to extend your compassionate healing to others in need, inspire us so that everything we do and say might flow from a grateful heart. For the work you have given and for the people you put in our path, may we embody thankfulness in ways that make us magnets of blessing. Not only for our own benefit, but for the benefit of all those around us. May we each play our part in revealing the mercies you have laced through our days together. In solidarity with patients and families and our wider communities, we pray. Amen.