Independence Day (US)

Independence Day (US)


God over all,

The American flag is an enduring symbol of freedom and hope for people in search of a land of opportunity. A nation where the shared pursuit of the common good might enable the flourishing of each and every citizen. And vice versa, where the flourishing of individual citizens leads them to build up the common good. As a ministry called by your name, help us resist the temptation to sentimentalize such noble ideals. Instead, on this day especially, may we renew our commitment to embody these ideals with conviction, devotion, and a sincere desire for unity, across all our differences. Amen.


    Reflection   “The future will be green or not at all.” –Jonathon Porritt   Prayer   Loving Creator,  The warnings have been repeated so many times that we risk growing numb. Yet the truth remains. We are obliged to change our ways of liv


Loving Creator,

The warnings have been repeated so many times that we risk growing numb. Yet the truth remains. We are obliged to change our ways of living so that our children might have a world worth inheriting. By your mercy and grace, empower us, as individuals and as an organization, to become diligent and passionate practitioners of environmental stewardship. May we encourage our culture in the same direction, until we all are aware of the calling we’ve been given, as those made in your image, to protect the earth in your name and lead it to a beautiful future. Amen.


    Reflection   “Blessed the people who know the joyful shout; in the light of your countenance, O LORD, they walk. At your name they rejoice all the day, and through your justice they are exalted.”  –Psalm 89:16-17   Prayer   Liberating Go


Liberating God,

As those who claim to know you, we should be those who know “the joyful shout.” We should be those who celebrate loudest because the God we serve is in the business of justice, liberation and compassion, especially on behalf of the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized. And so if we are among those who’ve been touched by your healing power, help us reveal it in our words and deeds and invite others to know you as we do. May we do so joyfully, motivated by your own heart of love. Amen.

Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett

Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett


Good Shepherd,

On this Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett, we are inspired to remember and hold on to your promise to unify and restore us as one human family. Beyond every division and the many ways we’ve been scattered, lead us to a future in which we can appreciate our interdependence more and more, and can commit to securing the cause of peace. In your name, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “The ultimate test of our spirituality is the measure of our amazement at the grace of God.”  –Martin Lloyd-Jones   Prayer   Gracious God,  We should all be more amazed by the work of your grace in our lives. For through the


Gracious God,

We should all be more amazed by the work of your grace in our lives. For through the eyes of our hearts we are able to see so many stories of profound transformation. As patients respond to quality, compassionate care; as communities are empowered by the support we provide; or as colleagues and friends are encouraged to develop their skills and talents while growing as persons before you… In all of these ways, we have been so richly graced. As a ministry together, lead us to marvel today at your amazing grace. Amen.


    Reflection   “Failure’s not fatal — it’s feedback.” –Lisa Borders   Prayer   God of tomorrow,  There are many different ways to say the same thing: the only true failure is the refusal to get back up again and learn from our mistakes. Wh


God of tomorrow,

There are many different ways to say the same thing: the only true failure is the refusal to get back up again and learn from our mistakes. When obstacles assail us with the feeling of defeat, let our hearts remind us that your grace is sufficient and that, with your help and accompaniment, there is nothing we face that cannot be overcome. As a ministry, striving to extend your compassionate ministry to so many in need, let our vision of success be defined by our faithful resilience more than anything else. We needn’t be perfect to respond to your call, we need only be faithful. Day in and day out. For all those who are sick; for the poor, the dying, and the underserved; for the vulnerable and marginalized, we pray. Amen.

Eid al-Adha 

Eid al-Adha 



As our Muslim colleagues and friends celebrate Eid al-Adha, we all do well to reflect upon our readiness to sacrifice, for the sake of others, in service to love and connection. As creatures made in your image, we all are called to show charity to neighbors in need and to sustain the bonds of community in tangible ways. Help us in this effort, that all people may come to know the joy of self-giving love, so that all people may flourish in a shared experience of belonging and provision. Amen.