Reflection   “The rooster who took credit for the sunrise is outraged to be blamed for the sunset.” –David Frum   Prayer   Humble worker,  We are all prone at times to be quick to take credit yet slow to take blame. Heal us of our self-c


Humble worker,

We are all prone at times to be quick to take credit yet slow to take blame. Heal us of our self-centered tendencies and help us to see the big picture. Open our eyes to the many hands and voices that are working in sync, each and every day, to extend your healing love to all those in need. Lead us to greater collaboration and innovation so that we can feel rightly proud of the multiple gifts in our midst. The people and talent, skills and ambitions, and the hearts of compassion longing to make of your world something good. Lead us together, in the humble pursuit of a job well done. Amen.


    Reflection   “Sometimes I feel useless, but then I remember: I breathe out carbon dioxide for plants.”  –Anonymous   Prayer   All-wise Creator,  In the network of life you designed, no life is useless. Rather all things have purpose and


All-wise Creator,

In the network of life you designed, no life is useless. Rather all things have purpose and meaning. Even our breath is a gift we can share for the good of the world around us! With hearts full of faith, hope, and love, help us live into our purpose more and more deliberately, with conviction and determination. And when the going gets tough and we start feeling useless, lead us back to a heart of simplicity, grateful for the many opportunities we’ve been given to extend your goodness to others, sometimes without even knowing it! Amen.

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday


Merciful God,

We are indeed bewildered and overwhelmed at times by the darkness pervading the world we inhabit. So then today especially, on Divine Mercy Sunday, we ask you to open our hearts so we might be renewed and refreshed by the gift of your mercy. Let mercy transform us and help us to remain steadfast in pursuit of our calling. Together, make us ever more effective agents of your compassionate, healing love to a world in need. Amen.


    Reflection   “It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.” –Martin Lu


God over all,

Everything you’ve made is woven together in a single “garment of destiny.” We don’t always act like it, but we are nonetheless called to ensure that everything we do and say respects this singular network of life that holds us together, as creatures before you. Help us to grow in wisdom and love as we answer this calling, so we may flourish as stewards of the Earth and all life. For the sake of all the diversity of life and vitality around us, and our own sake as well, we pray. Amen.


    Reflection   “You shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” –Maya Angelou   Prayer   Giver of all that is good,  Life is all about giving and receiving, in freedom and lo


Giver of all that is good,

Life is all about giving and receiving, in freedom and love. Learning to acknowledge the gifts that have been so generously handed to us and then finding ways to pass those gifts on, especially to those who are most in need of them. Inspire us today, to open our eyes to those who are most in need of the gifts we possess, spiritually as much as materially. May we be willing and able to share all our gifts in freedom and love, so that those we encounter will be empowered in turn, to give something back for the common good. Amen.


    Reflection   “We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world.”  –St. Teresa of Calcutta    Prayer   Love divine,  It may be the most selfless prayer we can offer: to become so aligned with your


Love divine,

It may be the most selfless prayer we can offer: to become so aligned with your mission that we are completely directed, guided, and empowered by you—into the lives of others, to serve them in their time of need. Liberate each one of us today, to make such a prayer our own, with authenticity and joy. And humbly, in exchange, we ask you to fill us with the kind of energy and resilience that can overcome our exhaustion and the heartache we so often encounter. May we be so filled with Easter’s vitality that we are eager to be sent out again, as love letters from you to our patients and families, our neighbors and colleagues, and our broader communities. Amen.


    Reflection   “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” –Rachel Carson   Prayer   Lover of life,  For too long we’ve had a taste for


Lover of life,

For too long we’ve had a taste for destruction, harboring apathy about the long-term consequences of our actions upon the common home we inhabit. Yet we see more and more how the world you created is straining beneath the weight of our irresponsible actions. As we strive now to restore and protect your creation, inspire us not with burdensome guilt or a sense of anxiety, but with joy and wonder. Restore to us a child-like wonder, which will ignite in us a love for your creation and a desire to treasure it for the gift that it is. As people of hope and a ministry united, we pray. Amen.