Center for Ministry Formation

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“Jesus said to his disciples: ‘To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.’” –Luke 6:27-28


Loving God,

Your teaching is hard! And on our own merit, impossible. Knowing our weakness, we invite your spirit to transform us more and more, that we might grow in practicing this kind of love, which is radically inclusive, wide enough to encompass even the darkness we encounter. At the same time, we know you do not send us into harm’s way on purpose. So we pray as well for colleagues facing challenging working conditions, who may even be fearful in their duties and service. May we support them better and do all that we can to protect them, working together to see your vision of love-in-community flourish among us. Amen.

Call to Act

Take a few minutes simply to meditate on Jesus’ teaching about love. Make room in my heart to practice it better each day.