Center for Ministry Formation

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” –Charles Darwin


God of new life,

Too many changes make us feel caught in a whirlwind. We feel threatened by changes, as if they might erode the very ground upon which we stand. Despite what we feel, lead us to trust faith’s foundations. Root us again in your love and accompaniment, so we may have confidence that we can weather all storms. Guide us with your indwelling spirit, so we may be free to discern how some of our changes may be blessings in disguise—openings for your new life to spring forth. Make us responsive to the changes you are bringing us today, that we may be a people filled with hope for tomorrow. Amen.

Call to Action

What changes in my life am I struggling to accept? Take time today to adopt a new perspective, which can guide me to embrace a healthy path forward.