Center for Ministry Formation

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“Calm is contagious.” –unnamed master chief, U.S. Navy


God of peace,

Caregivers learn by experience to toughen their skin and stay focused on the job at hand, even when immersed in such a spectrum of pain, hurt, and sorrow. They show exemplary skill in treating wounds and curing disease, but we know that surrounding it all is the anxious flurry of hearts cracked by trauma, hearts that need peace. Today, we pray for all those who are serving in the center of such storms. May they feel supported in mind, body, and spirit in the work that they do. And we pray you would bless them with a calm that is contagious, that can turn down the volumes of stress and anxiety, and defuse every threat to your compassionate love being shared and extended among all those in need. Amen.  

Call to Action

Be an agent of calm today, mindful of those around me who stand at the crossroads of so
much anxiety.