Center for Ministry Formation

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“The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the work of his hands. Day unto day pours forth speech; night unto night whispers knowledge.” –Psalm 19:2-3


Divine Presence,

We are troubled at times with questions and cares that we would love to bring to you directly. Someday we will, but until then we seek and we pray. We listen and look for your comforting presence. As we continue to search, give us patience with questions that cause us to struggle, and release us from worrying about what we cannot control. Above all else, continue to be near us through the world you have made. Day after day, night after night, let creation itself speak in your name. Amen.

Call to Action

Find a quiet moment today to study “the heavens.” Look at the stars or the clouds in the sky and ponder the questions that tug at my heart.