Center for Ministry Formation

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“Our God is an expert at dealing with chaos, with brokenness, with all the worst that we can imagine. God created order out of disorder, cosmos out of chaos, and God can do so always, can do so now—in our personal lives and in our lives as nations, globally…Indeed, God is transforming the world now—through us—because God loves us.” –Desmond Tutu         


God of Renewal,

Chaos. Brokenness. Destruction beyond imagining. These are the realities faced by many today, in their personal lives and shared lives together, as nations and across the world. We feel it, too, and we grieve. Yet we also have hope that your promise of transformation, redemption, and restoration will become a reality for all those in need. For the weak, the poor, and the vulnerable, empower us to help you bring order out of disorder, a meaningful world from the chaos. Amen.

Call to Action

Take a few minutes today to consider how I am coping with the chaos I see. Practice some quiet reflection, letting go of anxiety and returning to my source of hope for the world.