Center for Ministry Formation

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“History says / Don’t hope on this side of the grave / But then, once in a lifetime / The longed-for tidal wave / Of justice can rise up / And hope and history rhyme.” –Seamus Heaney


God of hope,

There is no denying the pain and the suffering we see in our world today. We see senseless destruction in places like Ukraine. We weep for innocent victims, for children, and for the injustice of it all. In our own neighborhoods, too, we feel overwhelmed at times by the brokenness around us. Yet we are people who refuse to cower at darkness. As long as today is “today,” we come before you and ask for new vision, refreshment, and hope for the mission you have given. As your children, send us into the world as agents of peace and justice. Empower us to make a new future of light and love for all. Amen.

Call to Action

Be sensitive today to those who seem especially in need of hope. Make an effort to offer a meaningful word or encourage gesture.