Center for Ministry Formation

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Memorial of Saint Scholastica

Memorial of Saint Scholastica


“Deep waters cannot quench love, nor rivers sweep it away.” –Song of Songs 8:7


Today we give thanks for St. Scholastica, and the spiritual kinship she shared with her brother, St. Benedict. We ask you to bless us as well, with a spiritual bond that goes deeper than blood. A bond that takes us out of our comfort zones and overflows the limits of our natural families and cultures and histories. As one human family, we hope and we pray for the gift of your love to unite us, above and beyond every force that attempts to divide and destroy. May we stand together as one, believing nothing can quench the power of your love! Amen.

Call to Action

Make an effort today to resist the narratives I encounter from news and social media about today’s “polarized” world. Deliberately practice sympathy with someone different than me.