Center for Ministry Formation

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“See my works, how fine and excellent they are! All that I created, I created for you. Reflect on this, and do not corrupt or desolate my world; for if you do, there will be no one to repair it after you.”
–Midrash Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13


Good Creator,

All that you have made is good, and your beauty is manifest in myriad ways throughout creation. We see it still, despite the mess we have made of your world, through ages of neglect and short-sightedness. Though we are alarmed by the effects of our failures, lead us not to despair. Instead, with hearts re-tuned to our deepest calling, lead us to joyfully serve you by serving the world and protecting its beauty. With gladness for the gift of our common home, Amen.

Call to Action

When was the last time I went outside and reflected on the beauty of creation? Do it today and receive inspiration to love, protect, and nurture the natural world around me.