Center for Ministry Formation

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“Now, more than ever, what is revealed is the fallacy of making individualism the organizing principle of society. What will be our new principle?” –Pope Francis


God of my neighbor,

We are increasingly aware of the roads to so-called progress, which in fact lead only to dead ends. Looking out for our own interests, consumption without responsibility, acquisitiveness apart from investment… None of these are sustainable principles by which we can live, individually or as nations together. As we yearn for new ways to move forward, call out from among us exemplary leaders who can show us the way to a new experience of fraternity, sorority, and belonging one to another; so that we may become more genuinely response-able for each other’s security and well-being. As one human family we pray, Amen.

Call to Action

How am I balancing the needs of my community with my individualized wants and desires? Consider if I need to adjust my approach to consumption and, in turn, my civic investment.