Center for Ministry Formation

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“It is impossible to awaken a man who is pretending to be asleep.” –Navajo proverb


God of Encounter,

We know the temptation all too well: in times of crisis and challenge, it’s far simpler to pretend that we don’t know what’s really going on. To ignore the chaos and play the emu with our heads in the sand. Yet this is no way for us to live out the calling you have given and for which you have empowered us with your very own Spirit. Fill us anew with that Spirit today, that we might avoid the temptation to sleepwalk through challenge, and to embrace instead the encounters that are coming our way. Fill us with grace, endurance, and a persevering spirit that is ready to serve in whatever small way we can. For the life of the world, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Acknowledge that I am not called to save the whole world. Be nonetheless willing to take small steps that direction today, doing the small things I can with great love and attention.