Center for Ministry Formation

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“A society in which consumption has to be artificially stimulated in order to keep production going is a society founded on trash and waste, for such a society is a house built upon sand.”
–Dorothy Sayers


God of Tomorrow,

We seek an economy that supports and sustains the authentic development of the common good long into the future. Yet we also are confronted by the repercussions of undoing the webs of consumption that stimulate the economy we already have. Help us to work creatively, together, so that we can convert the whole of this consumer culture into a more sustainable economy of authentic ecological flourishing. May we find ways to protect the real human needs of everyone involved in the process, especially those who are poor and marginalized. Give us vision and direction for a society built on stable foundations, accommodating the gifts and talents of all. Amen.

Call to Action

What am I doing today to help stimulate an economy built on sustainable principles? Make a change that is within my grasp.