Black History Month
Black History Month
“Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.” ~ Michelle Obama
Compassionate God, today, we continue our celebration of Black History Month. May our ongoing celebration remind us of how vitally important it is to be truthful as a nation about our past, to be honest and hopeful about the future we desire as a people, and to recognize and accept that both require us to be a virtuous people in the here and now. May we as individuals and as a people pursue the success that is not defined by the size of our bank accounts but by the contribution we make to the lives of others. May we repent of injustice and contribute to the dawning of a new and better day for all. In humility, we pray. Amen.
Call to Action
Make a commitment to do something each day in honor of Black History Month. And identify one action I can take or commitment I can make to work for racial justice throughout the year.