Center for Ministry Formation

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Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day


“Remember, it didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with politicians dividing the people with ‘us versus them.’ It started with intolerance and hate speech and when people stopped caring, became desensitized and turned a blind eye.”
~ Elie Wiesel


Loving Lord, today, we remember the Holocaust. We lift our voices in prayer for all those who died at the hands of their fellow human beings and for all who survived to bear the burden of their survival. May our remembrance of the Holocaust remind us that opposing hatred and intolerance is an ongoing mission. Fill our hearts with your love that we might promote and defend the inviolable dignity of all people and lift our voices against all who preach hate, intolerance, and injustice. May we commit ourselves to building a world of peace, tolerance, goodness, and freedom. Amen.

Call to Action

What one action can I take or one commitment can I make today that will allow my voice to be lifted up in defense of dignity, the common good, and tolerance?