“Wisdom is the recovery of innocence at the far end of experience; it is the ability to see again what most of us have forgotten how to see.” –David Bentley Hart
All-wise God,
Empower us to better serve our patients and families and all those we encounter by seeing them with your eyes, beholding them in the goodness and beauty of their creation before you. As hard as it is, and as obscure as our vision so often becomes, help us to reclaim some measure of the purity of heart we possessed in our youth, even amidst the pain and suffering we continue to witness. Give us the wisdom that commits us to your mission, so we might continue advocating for dignity in a broken world, still able to see what others may have forgotten how to see. Amen.
Call to Action
Be conscientious today about how I view the world and especially all the people I encounter. Strive to see them in the full measure of their goodness and dignity.