Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown
Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown
“[Rosh Hashanah] is when all life of the previous year returns to its essential source and a new life, such as was never known before, emerges from the void to sustain existence for an entire year.”
–Tzvi Freeman
Holy G-d,
With our Jewish colleagues, we celebrate your great gift of creation today and give thanks for the way you sustain our existence from moment to moment, year to year. May we be faithful to respond to your gracious invitation of new life in you, as we let go of our sins and every other obstacle that prevents us from fully embodying your vision of flourishing. For ourselves and for the life of the world, we return to that vision and ask to be better able to embody for others, especially those who are most vulnerable among us. Amen.
Call to Action
Pause, breathe, and reflect today on what flourishing looks like in my life and the life of my community. Renew my heart’s intention to participate in that vision today.