“Why did God create swarms of bees, prides of lions, herds of deer, schools of fish, and flocks of birds, and only one human couple? So that no one can say to another ‘My ancestry is superior to yours.’” –The Mishnah
Love over all,
We are one human family, and we are called to act like it. We often do not. Heal us, therefore, of every inclination to assert division rather than embrace diversity. May we commit to respecting and loving our unity, precisely because it is so wondrously varied, colorful, beautiful. Give us grateful hearts and happy eyes, as we behold all the unique intersections of identities and backgrounds and families that make us the people we are. You see it and love it and call it good. Help us do the same. And we beg for your mercy, when the unity we seek is otherwise fractured by the unholy blindness of pitiful souls still trapped by hatred. Have mercy on us all, we pray. Amen.
Call to Action
What am I doing to expose and confront my tendencies towards bias and prejudice? Reflect on this question today and, if needed, take a new step towards a more inclusive existence.