Center for Ministry Formation

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“We are all pencils in the hand of a writing God, who is sending love letters to the world.”
–St. Teresa of Calcutta


Love divine,

It may be the most selfless prayer we can offer: to become so aligned with your mission that we are completely directed, guided, and empowered by you—into the lives of others, to serve them in their time of need. Liberate each one of us today, to make such a prayer our own, with authenticity and joy. And humbly, in exchange, we ask you to fill us with the kind of energy and resilience that can overcome our exhaustion and the heartache we so often encounter. May we be so filled with Easter’s vitality that we are eager to be sent out again, as love letters from you to our patients and families, our neighbors and colleagues, and our broader communities. Amen.

Call to Action

What attitude am I bringing with me into my work today? Set aside a few minutes today to embrace the audacious possibility: I get to embody a real message of hope, love, and compassion for
others today.