Center for Ministry Formation

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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day


“Pain in this life is not avoidable, but the pain we create avoiding pain is avoidable.” –R.D. Laing


God who knows our pain,

Our familiarity with the pain of sickness and disease doesn’t make these realities any easier to accept. And yet we must. Today, on World Cancer Day, we ask for strength to better confront the pain caused by cancer rather than avoid it. May we be devoted to the cause of supporting and empowering all those who are challenged by cancer. With dedication, diligence, and determination, may we accompany those in pain and journey together towards new paths of prevention, treatment, and cure. As we strive to heal rather than avoid the pain, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Recognize World Cancer Day today. Take time to be mindful of those I know hurt by cancer and, as appropriate, send them a gesture of care and concern.