Center for Ministry Formation

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“To promote the Gospel and not welcome the strangers in need, nor affirm their humanity as children of God, is to seek to encourage a culture that is Christian in name only, emptied of all that makes it distinctive.” –Pope Francis


Welcoming God,

Fill us with faith, hope, and love today, so that our efforts promoting the gospel will create a distinctive culture that practices what it preaches. As we continue extending your compassionate ministry, make us faithful to follow your example of what ministry means, showing mercy and kindness to strangers, bringing good help to all those in need, and affirming with humility the one humanity we share with all your children. With grateful hearts, for the way you have welcomed us in these ways, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Take five minutes to affirm my own humanity today. Let my love of self overflow into the way I love my neighbor.