Center for Ministry Formation

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Healthcare Quality and International Infection Prevention Week

Healthcare Quality and International Infection Prevention Week


“Health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to attain his or her full health potential.” –Centers for Disease Control


God of justice,

You create each and every one of us in your image and likeness. In your eyes we are all equal and deserving of equitable care. Renew within us this day a profound sense of gratitude for the gift of life and dignity you give to all. Enliven within us the courage and the commitment to pursue health equity, providing all people with the chance to pursue the potential you give to each.  As human beings created in your image and likeness, may we see each other as sisters and brothers, and strive each day to serve with compassion and mercy the communities entrusted to our care. We pray in God’s name. Amen. 

Call to Action

What is one action I can take today, or one commitment I can make, to pursue health equity in my facility or my community?