Center for Ministry Formation

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“Love and truth will meet; justice and peace shall kiss. Truth will spring from the earth; justice will look down from heaven.” –Psalm 85:11-12


Reconciling God,

We may struggle to imagine how all the wrongs will somehow be put right. How peace will ever come for all people, near and far. Yet your ways are higher than our ways and the plans that you have made are good and true. In the hope of faith, then, we look forward to a day when the earth itself will meet heaven’s justice. When a new day will dawn, and you will reconcile all things just as they should be. In our work today, may we all do our part in bringing your dream for the world one step closer to reality. Amen.

Call to Action

Be intentional today about making one simple gift of justice, peace, kindness, and truth for the sake of my neighbor.