Center for Ministry Formation

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“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.” –Beverly Sills


Accompanying God,

We love shortcuts! We are prone to jump at the promise of any new “hack” for this or that chore. Even in those important decisions affecting our ambitions, hopes, and dreams… Even then we can be tempted to find an easy way out of the challenge, investment, and effort required. And yet we know better. The journeys that matter are those that take us the long way around, including the mission you started and that we share today. As we strive to extend your compassionate ministry, help us accompany one another in a spirit of comradery. May we encourage each other to avoid the shortcuts while reminding each another that the effort and sacrifice makes the journey worthwhile. For the life of the world, we pray. Amen.

Call to Action

Who needs an encouraging word today, to remain resilient in the face of what seems like a long hard road? Be willing to build-up those colleagues today.