“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” –St. Augustine
God of charity,
Help us to practice the wisdom of the ancients, which is even confirmed by the best of our science today. When we hold on to old grudges and refuse to move past the wrongs done to us, we can grow sick in mind, body, and spirit. Help us to practice this wisdom today as we go about serving your people. Make us quick to forgive and to overlook others’ faults. May we not take offense or stew on the ways we’ve been hurt, but follow your rule instead: treating all people the way we would want to be treated, no matter what they may say or do unto us. Amen.
Call to Action
I will no doubt be tempted today to dwell on an unkind word or deed sent my direction. Take time as needed, to release my heart from resentment.