Center for Ministry Formation

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“You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.”
–George Bernard Shaw


Joyful God,

Despite the tumult around us, we are never without a reason for joy. There is your presence within and among us, which gives us such comfort in times of trouble. There are the people you have placed in our lives, special companions gifted with wisdom, who have lived long enough to know that youth is not bound up with age and that sorrow does not get the last word. Thank you for these witnesses to joy. They seem to laugh with such freedom, that we know it must come from a depth of spirit borne from experience. May we all attain to this level of joy, choosing to be joyful amidst so many trials, laughing sincerely along the way. Amen.

Call to Action

Protect the moments of laughter and levity that come my way today. Cherish and be glad for youthful displays in my life.