Center for Ministry Formation

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Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett

Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett


“[St. Oliver Plunkett] was the defender of the oppressed and the advocate of justice…. In his heart there was no rancor, for his strength was the love of Jesus, the love of the Good Shepherd who gives His life for his flock. His dying words were words of forgiveness for all his enemies.”
–St. John Paul II


Love eternal,

Today we give thanks for the life and witness of St. Oliver Plunkett, who refused to deny his great love for you or for the people you put in his care. Even when he was unjustly hunted and had to go into hiding and was ultimately martyred for his convictions, the depth of his great love for you and your people empowered him to stand strong in his faith. Just as he was emboldened by love to follow your call, may we do the same in our own place and time. Continue to hold us in the palm of your hand, as we strive to extend your compassionate ministry to all those in need. Amen.

Call to Action

Consider the sacrifices my colleagues must face in the course of their service to others. Think of one way I can build up their spirits today.