Center for Ministry Formation

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“We will not tolerate the crime and violence that threatens the lives and dignity of our sisters and brothers, and we will not give up on those who have lost their way. We seek both justice and mercy.” –U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


God of mercy and justice,

We do not know what to do with the anger we feel towards the violence we see, when the innocent suffer and crimes go unchecked. We do not know what to do when assailants among us seem to have so lost their way, when, if we are honest, we are tempted to simply give up on them. You must show us all a better way. As a people, a nation, a world. Show us the pathway of both justice and mercy, for our vision is partial and our hearts still impure. May our anger somehow be purified and our prayers stay faithful. As we all come before you, children in need of your comfort, protection, the promise of justice, and all of us beggars for mercy, Amen.

Call to Action

As needed, call a friend today for the express purpose of naming and releasing the anger I feel at the injustice I see. Or if I know I can serve as that friend for another, make space to do so today.