“If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further.”
–Mahatma Gandhi
God with us,
We often perceive your presence in the most ordinary things. In the smell of the breeze with the change of the weather, in the sky, as the clouds go on shifting above us, and in the sound of the rain when we are cozy inside. But beyond such peaceful encounters, you also call us to find you in ways that are frankly more challenging. In service and sacrifice, in loving each neighbor with selfless attention, in making space for every interaction to become a sacred encounter, especially with those we would otherwise disregard or overlook or have no natural reason to befriend. Here especially, give us the courage and the vision to find you in the people we meet, for you are here always. Your presence is closest to those most in need. Amen.
Call to Action
Open my heart in a unique way to the next person I meet, giving them the fullness of my presence, attention, and concern.