Center for Ministry Formation

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Black History Month

Black History Month


“Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.” –Toni Morrison


God over all,

As we continue celebrating Black History month, we ask you to lead us further along the pathways of racial harmony and social equality. We honor the progress made by those gone before us. Yet we still have such need of your healing grace, inside and between us. So that we might love one another as you have loved us. So that we might transform our vision and shed the lies of our biases—our feeble attempts to judge and define one another. Today, tomorrow, this month and beyond, may we commit to embody the affirmation, respect, and defense of each person’s dignity. May we live truly as one human family, in all the ways you have taught us: doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with you. Amen.

Call to Action

How do I recognize Black History month? Take time today to learn something new.