Center for Ministry Formation

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“What’s wrong with being number two?”  ~ Morrie Schwartz


God in the ordinary,

How wonderful it is to be human. You made us unique in creation, as “ensouled bodies” or “embodied souls.” We occupy this wondrous space in-between angels and animals. We can sing with the hosts of heaven while working the ground, preparing the earth for seedlings to grow. We can worship your glory while breaking bread with each other and telling laughter-filled stories. As we look at the calendar today, as we consult this device that sometimes feels a lot like a taskmaster, let Today’s “Twosday” be just weird enough that it’s easy to be amused. Thank you for the thought that perhaps you smile along with us. Amen.

Call to Action

It’s okay to welcome some whimsy. Do something silly to make Twosday a “thing” with friends
and colleagues.