Center for Ministry Formation

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“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.” –Mahatma Gandhi


Eternal God,

It is easy for us to get wrapped up in the pace and the hustle of our work and routines. In fact, some of us like it. We get addicted to the frenzy, having lost long ago the ability to sit still. Some of us would not know what to do with ourselves were it not for the chaos of crisis! Yet we know in our hearts that life in the fast lane comes with great risks. Burnout awaits. Before that day comes, before we are forced to slow down by circumstance or events, help us to practice the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Stop. Breathe. Live in this moment. Yes, time is perhaps the greatest of gifts you have given. May we learn to fill it with presence and love, attention and faithfulness, to you and each other. Amen.

Call to Action

Set up a do-nothing date with a friend today for at least five minutes. Practice simply being present one to another.