Center for Ministry Formation

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World Day of the Sick

World Day of the Sick


“I think of all those physicians, nurses, laboratory technicians, the support staff and the caretakers of the sick, as well as the numerous volunteers who donate their precious time to assist those who suffer. [Your service] transcends the bounds of your profession and becomes a mission. Your hands, which touch the suffering flesh of Christ, can be a sign of the merciful hands of the Father.”
–Pope Francis


Healing God,

Our lives are so fragile. We each can be wounded in so many ways, as sickness or injury or, finally, death comes to all, eventually. Yet in all this experience you have graced us with seeds of good news. Across humankind we also have the gift of each other, and in so many moments encounter real healing. Indeed, for us who believe, we see in your son the fullness of healing take root in our world. Mind, body, and spirit… even the conquering of death! Today, then, we rightly take time, to pray and to grieve for those suffering in so many ways. Yet for their sake and ours we also have hope, that the healing begun might be realized through us in the work that we do. May we never grow faint as we continue extending your healing, compassion, and liberation to all those in need. In the power of your name, we pray, Amen.

Call to Action

Find a way to recognize and participate in World Day of the Sick today.