Center for Ministry Formation

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“Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. For he shall rescue the poor when he cries out, and the afflicted when he has no one to help him. He shall have pity for the lowly and the poor; the lives of the poor he shall save.” –Psalm 72: 12-13


Merciful God,

When you walked among us and lived in our midst, you showed us your heart for humanity. Through your example, we were taught that real power is shown in service to others, that true love is shown in selfless sacrifice, and that divine justice means showing partiality towards those who are poor. Help us remember we all are poor in some way, since we all are in need of your mercy. Fill us again (and again) with compassion, straight from your heart, to keep our attention fixed on the poor. Remind us that our community’s health is reflected in the way the poor among us are faring. Amen.

Call to Action

Consider what poverty looks like in my neighborhood. Think of one thing I can do to help those who are less fortunate.