Center for Ministry Formation

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“Do not rejoice over me, my enemy! / though I have fallen, I will arise; / though I sit in darkness, the Lord is my light.” –Micah 7:8


God of Light and Life,

May we never forget that our real ‘enemies’ are not only flesh and blood, but powers and forces that are harder to identify. They are spiritual forces within us, forces like discouragement, regret, guilt and depression, fear and mistrust and anxiety… These are experiences that can be more debilitating than any of the diseases or conditions we confront every day. When these ‘enemies’ lurk at our doorstep, rouse our spirits again, and fill us with the hope of a greater resilience. Nothing can separate us from your love! And in the power of love we will rise. Amen.

Call to Action

Find someone I trust to share my “highs” and my “lows” from this day. Return that gift of attention, concern, and companionship.