Center for Ministry Formation

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“If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.” –Rumi


God of new beginnings,

The calendar tells us we’ve begun a new year, yet for many of us life still feels the same. For those who feel stuck in dead-end routines and habits they can’t seem to break, give them new vision. Help them find life-giving paths of positive change. For those still afraid to start something new, give them new courage. Empower them to embrace the adventure of faith. For those already exhausted from the work they perform, give new companions. May they find others to share in their labor and assist their next steps. For those still in need of care and attention, open new doors. Connect them in new ways with your healing compassion. For all of us, open our hearts to the wondrous new things you have promised to do. Amen.

Call to Action

Take time today to identify any unwanted thought-patterns or habits I’ve brought with me from 2021. Think of one small step I can take to chart a better direction.