“Why do you hide your face, forgetting our woe and our oppression? For our souls are bowed down to the dust, our bodies are pressed to the earth. Rise up, help us! Redeem us in your mercy.” –Psalm 44: 25-17
Merciful God,
We are battling more than a virus. Your children on earth are entrenched and divided, and sympathetic understanding is a limited resource. Help us believe we are better than this. Give us all the strength to shut off and stop any of the graceless chatter around us. Help us find a quiet place in our hearts, and there to heed you above all. Show us your face. Be merciful to us and heal our lands. Restore us in body and soul so that we might extend your healing touch to others in need, whomever and wherever they are. In the way your son taught us, may we love one another as neighbors and care for the wounded, including our so-called “enemies,” and be willing even to pay the price for their restoration. Amen.
Call to Action
Take time to reflect upon the state of my heart towards those who don’t see the pandemic like I do. As needed, commit to one healthy practice for releasing my hostility.